Cure Insomnia Naturally With Home Remedies. Insomnia or inability to sleep refers to a situation when person feels unable to sleep properly at night. Insomnia leads to difficulty in falling asleep and remaining asleep. This health disorder is highly prevalent in the urban set up of the modern age. Causes of Insomnia: The foremost symptom of insomnia is difficulty in falling asleep. It may also result in the change of sleeping duration, lack of concentration, memory lapses, emotional disability, loss of coordination and confusion. The main cause of insomnia is anxiety, worries, overexcitement, overwork, resentment, bitterness and anger. Other causes of insomnia are constipation, overeating at night, excessive intake of tea or coffee, smoking and dyspepsia. Home Remedies for Curing Insomnia: Honey: For curing insomnia honey proves an effective medicine. It is advised to take two teaspoon of honey with water before retiring to bed to get effective results. Milk: or curing insomnia milk is very beneficial home remedy. It is advised that a glass of milk with honey should be consumed every day before retiring to bed provides desired results. Thiamine: Thiamine or vitamin B1 plays a very important role in curing insomnia. It is advised to eat thiamine enriched food like wholegrain cereals, nuts and pulses. Lettuce: For curing insomnia lettuce prove as an essential home remedy. It advised that the decoction of lettuce should be consumed daily to get benefit results. Curd: To cure insomnia curd works as a useful home remedy. The application and consumption of curd in plenty helps in curing insomnia to great extent. Bottle Gourd: Bottle gourd juice duly mixed with sesame oil act as an effective home remedy for curing insomnia. It is advised that it should be applied over the scalp at night every day to get beneficial results. Aniseed: Aniseed acts as an effective home remedy for curing insomnia. It is advised that the tea made with aniseed should be consumed after meals or before retiring to bed to have effective results. Dietary Recommendations for Curing Insomnia: In order to prevent insomnia the person need to take low salt and well-balanced diet. The diet need to excluded for insomnia are while flour products, coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, fatty foods, tea and fried foods.The patient can also try exercising in the morning. Yogic asana also help to a great extent in curing insomnia. It helps in providing mental and physical relaxations to the mind and body. Thus, if you really want to cure insomnia then try these home remedies and become fit and healthy.
Cure Insomnia Naturally With Home Remedies.
cures for insomnia Primary Insomnia Insomnia On The Mind